
Employee Requests

There are three types of request that can be raised using MySirenum:

  1. Holiday Request
  2. Make a Request
  3. Availability Periods

Each request informing the employment agency of your availability/unavailability.

Holiday Request

Holiday Request

A Holiday Request is used when you wish to book a specific day off. e.g. 22th June.

Within the Sirenum Menu, select Holiday Request. Enter in the details and tap Request.

The request will be sent to your employment agency.

Make a Request

Make a Request

This request can be used to inform your employment agency that you are available or unavailable for work between a specific time period.

For example, you are unavailable between 9am and 1pm on the 1st March due to a university lecture. You are free in the afternoon should a job opportunity arise.

Within the Sirenum Menu, select Make a Request.

Enter in the details about the request, providing the date, time period and the name of your request.

Next select if you are available or unavailable.

Once completed tap Request.

The request will captured and the details will be sent to your employment agency.

Availability Periods

Availability Periods

Availability Periods are used to inform your employment agency via one request that you will be available or unavailable over a extended period of time.

For example, you are unavailable every Wednesday afternoon until the end of the month. Rather than raising 4 individual requests you can raise one request containing all the details.

Once submitted your employment agency will receive this information.

To access Availability Periods, open the Sirenum Menu

Tap Availability Periods

Set your Availability

Enter in the dates, times and if this is applicable to a certain day of the week.

If this requests applies for any day, leave the week day as All Days.

Tap Save to submit the details.

The request will be sent to your employment agency.